Saturday, January 28, 2017

3 Images (Jan 28th, 2017)

This one is a photo of a photo since my scanner is down. I took this while filming Pepe's Childhood Evoked film this weekend. I've always wanted to shoot this film using a black light and I felt like this tells a great story. (I realize this is a slight plagiarism of Pepe's film look, but since this shot isn't in the movie, I think I'm safe) I really liked the blue light behind the head while the rest of the image is red. It gives it a cool effect in terms of separation using color.
This is an example of when you just can't beat your eye in terms of capturing an image. The way the light fell on the mountains compared to the darkness on the street was very striking, until I turned my camera on. You have a little bit of lines of vanishing perspective from the buildings, however the brightness of the mountains overpowers the dark and kinda flattens the image, when in real life the mountains looked completely dominate in the sky when I took this photo.
I took this as another experiment using perspective. I lined up several action figures along the wall and angled it to give the illusion of depth in the photo. I threw up a light on the back, and feel like maybe it had a similar effect to the mountain photo above. I think it would have been more effective had I lit the character in the foreground and had less light fall on the characters in the back. It was just an experiment though, and I feel like I got something out of it. (I also burnt my floor with the light!)

1 comment:

  1. Awesome photos! I agree 100% on the coolness of separation caused by that black light in your shot. The composition and lighting are great. I do like the blocking in that action figure one, although like you said lighting the front actor and leacing the background darker may have created a better contrast and made him obviously what we should be looking at.
