Saturday, January 21, 2017

3 Images (Jan 21st, 2017)

 1. I've been making music with this guy for a long time now, and actually filmed him for my Childhood Evoked assignment. I should say his hands playing guitar got filmed, this is where I was sitting while we were filming and I knew I should take a picture of it. I've got to give Pepe a lot of credit for the lighting, but the composition here was all me. I really think the way his face on the left side is bright while the wall is dark works great, especially since it's the opposite on the other side. I also just like the way he's sitting with the guitar neck towards the camera.

2. This is another one that might be a little bit of a cheat since it also came from the night we shot my Childhood Evoked piece, but this was during rehearsal, and is different from what you will see in the video, so I think it's okay. For this one, I really like how all three actors have a different expression on their faces, especially the actor on the left whose expression is most extreme, and has the most different lighting. Framing wise I wish I would have shifted a little more to the left, but overall, I think it tells a fun story.

3. I took advantage of the snow to go outside and take some photos of my kids. They each have bright colorful coats, which I thought popped well when contrasted against the snow. I also like that my son's head is framed between two trees. I also think there might be a story here where a kid is trying for the first time to help out, and is intimidated by the amount of work there is to do.


  1. Matt, I really love the variety in these shots. It's interesting how personal all of the subjects of these photos are to--your friend and collaborator, your crew from a very personal film, and your son. They each tell a story, and I especially love the colors of the second picture, as well as Isaac's expression. I also think it's interesting how your son is holding the snow shovel and the direction he's facing. It tells us a lot about his experience shoveling snow. ;)

  2. I love that first picture (and it's not because of the lighting). This image shows the power of collaboration, the light it's part of what is good but it would be incomplete without the composition. I never saw that angle and getting that perspective makes the image even more powerful than the one we got for the shot, it gives the scene a whole other meaning.

    I like the second one for the same reasons you mentioned, the facial expressions are priceless. I've seen you are very good at capturing moments filled with emotion.

    I think the last one is more powerful than the first, it has personal value and that is transmitted in this image. We are seeing with your eyes and in someway the audience becomes the parent of your boy.
