Sunday, March 26, 2017

Three Images (March 26th, 2017)

 I found this tree last Sunday on a walk with my family. It looks like a huge spider, and when you look up through the branches, I felt like there was a great sense of rhythm to the image. I also liked that since it was such an overcast day, the tone of the image is really just the dark and light with very little color to distract.
I found this yesterday at lunch. There were all kinds of objects in the art room (I'm guessing for artists to practice drawing), I thought the half head looked weird so i propped it up on the chair with all these lamps. Again, having such strong light and dark contrast seemed to work well in capturing the rhythm of the image. I realize that tone and rhythm are two separate things, but I think they compliment each other quite nicely.

This was supposed to be another test in rhythm that admittedly just doesn't work for me. I tried to find a grouping of flowers that would stand out strong enough to have it be a very solid and even sense of rhythm instead of this rather chaotic image you see here. I also tried to have the dandelion thing in the back stand out when compared to the blue flowers or bright green leaves.

1 comment:

  1. These photos are great, I love the contrast and inky blacks of the tree branches in that first one. It evokes such a sense of chaos, yet at the same time an almost ordered beauty. I do think that your second photo has a greater feeling of rhythm than your third, and it really seems to work for me. There's a sort of physical feeling when you see something with a sense of rhythm, even a still. I do like those small flowers in the third picture though. The color is cool.
