This was my first image, and I wanted to show the two shapes, a diagonal line in the form of the bridge, going over the solid horizontal line of the river. To add even more difference between the two, I held the shutter open to make the river blurry. My hope was that it would cause even more contrast when compared to the crisp bridge.
Here I wanted to attempt to show an organized group of rectangles and lines at the bottom, with a more chaotic and somewhat vertical lines at the top. I liked the contrast, and as I'm posting this, it looks like my kid and his arm made a cameo. If there is one part of this photo I don't like, it's that it feels flat overall due to the tonal qualities.
I just thought this was funny. All the dumpsters were lined up and uniform, and then there's this loudmouth garbage can begging for attention. Reminded me of class photos from grade school. Anyways, I just liked the way this image felt balance wise, again due to all the garbage cans being stacked in such a pleasing manner.
I really like the rhythm inherent in these images. They all have a sense of repetition, even the water flowing in that the bulges of water are consistent. The garbage can picture is my favorite I think, especially because the personality the open garbage can seems to have in contrast the rhythm of the others. I agree with you in it seeming like a grade school kid begging for attention. Great work!